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Your Roadmap to Becoming
Fluent in Marketing

Not sure where to start to achieve best results? 

We strongly recommend starting from the beginning. Get into the business and marketing mindset, stop for a while and think about your business and what you want it to do, be, achieve. Only by looking at all of its aspects will you be able to identify the best areas for growth and marketing and create a comprehensive plan followed by knowledgeable implementation. 

Three keywords should accompany you on this journey: focus, commitment, consistency. Just do a little bit every day, or whenever you can. By being present and persistent, you can create a lot more movement in your business, even if it takes a little longer than you expected. Don’t give up. Trust yourself.

Do you like blocking days or hours for marketing? Do you like spending an hour each day? Do you only have the capacity to do one task each day? Or one task a week? 

That’s totally fine and you will see the results as long as you do one thing – move forward. Keep on going! 

lay the foundation

#1 Your Business in Review – Research, Goals and Target Audience

Be fully aware of what is happening inside and outside of your business in order to make informed decisions for the future.

Map out exactly what you want to achieve in your business. Establish short- and long-term goals and learn how to evaluate them for smart and efficient business growth.

Start building your customer-centric approach by identifying people you would like to work with. Customers are the foundation of your business – put your focus on the right people and develop your client strategy!

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build on your research and look into the future

#2 Strategy & Marketing Planning for Translators & Interpreters

The first step towards outlining your marketing actions. You’ve got the basics covered and now you should be able to make informed decisions based on your findings from the analysis, goal setting and audience courses. 

Split your strategy into tactics and action. Create a vision for the next 90 days or 1 year (or both!), taking into account your personal and professional schedule. There are no right or wrong plans, because your plan will be uniquely targeted to you and your business. 

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create your professional brand

#3 The Core of Your Brand | Professional Branding 101

Who says brands are only for big companies? 

If building a strong brand is on your radar then don’t skip this bundle. Your brand starts with a strong core – your mission, marketing pitch, brand values and USP.

Next, move on to visual design. Do you feel like your current design no longer represents your business well? Or perhaps it’s your first time getting a professional brand? Start here!

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claim your space and online shop-front

#4 Website Design for Translators – Beginner Level

As you may expect – this module is our specialty! A comprehensive starter masterclass with all the basics needed for creating your new website. Reimagine your business and choose how you want to be perceived – while increasing your credibility. 

We’ll guide you through the website design process from planning and gathering ideas to structuring your content, launch strategies and things to remember during the process. Strengthen your business and build an effective marketing hub!

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get found and strengthen your position
SEO cover1

#5 10 Steps to Effective SEO for Your Translation Website

This comprehensive 10-step bundle will help you optimise your website little by little to increase relevant traffic -> enquiries -> profits. Build your own Search Engine Optimisation strategy and understand how SEO works, so that you can use it to your advantage, grow your business and get discovered by relevant audiences.

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understand social media and find your strategy

#6 Your Social Media Strategy

There is no one-size-fits-all social media approach as every business is different.

Did you always want to create a social media strategy for your translation business but are unsure where to start? What to post? Where to take content from? How often to post? You will find the answers to these questions below alongside much, much more information which will help you create your personal social media schedule, adjusted to the needs of your business!

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increase your credibility and trustworthiness

#8 Effective Online Profiles

Extend your new branding to your online profiles. Whether it’s Proz or LinkedIn, learn to present your business from its best side, in a way that is attractive and useful to your customers. 

Setting up online profiles on professional networks or translation marketplaces will complement your overall strategy and strengthen your image.

Make a great first impression! 

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create amazing customer experiences

#9 Customer-centric Approach

Start adding value at every step of your customer’s journey. Map out your process and see how you can make your customers lives easier, solve their problems and boost your business in return.

A natural progression the Target Audience topic, this bundle will give you the tools and ideas you can use to build your own customer journey path. Take good care of your clients and enhance relationships with your current and future customers by adding value to your services at different stages of the process. 

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keep implementing and improving!

#10 Keep Going!

While this is our initial recommended roadmap, our other courses are part of that path too!  Explore Google Analytics, learn to operate different marketing tools in our Toolbox bundle, or find answers and bundles of tips from our previous Q & A editions – and keep an eye out for new courses, live webinars and new content!

Our tutors and support team are always ready to help so don’t hesitate to contact us at any point. 

what would you like to know?

Frequently asked questions

How can I register for a course?

Enrolling in an online class is easy! Simply click on “Buy Now” if you want to purchase a single course, or sign up for an All-Access Pass Membership for the whole year and follow the instructions on the screen.

What happens after I buy?

You will immediately get access to your chosen course, its lessons, checklists and videos. You can start learning today! Depending on the course, you will also receive regular emails with tips on how to best move forward. You will also be notified when new courses are published. If you purchased a membership – the world is your oyster! Follow our recommended roadmap or pick and mix and start learning!

How are you different? I'm already learning marketing somewhere else.

Our lessons are tailored specifically with translation and interpreting profession in mind. We explore cases and examples that may be familiar to you as a freelance professional. Apart from that, your main trainer, Meg, has 10+ years of experience of boosting translation businesses like yours and you can get personalised advice on your questions all along the way.

Meg holds a degree in Marketing and Advertising & is a Member of Chartered Institute of Marketing in the UK, a Certified Digital Marketing Professional, and a small businesses owner herself!

Knowing how overwhelming it is, we try to come up with ways for you not to have to experience those moments of doubt yourself. We avoid “fluff” and tell you about marketing and branding as we know it works for us and others. You probably won’t get ten new clients tomorrow, but our aim is for you to continually improve your business so you gain valuable clients over time – and keep them. 

I'm just starting out, are your courses right for me?

You are probably one of the people who will benefit  from our courses the most!

If you’re just starting your freelance career, you will find a lot of techniques and advice here that, unless you studied a Marketing Degree or course, you would not be familiar with right when finishing Uni.

We have been told that even experienced translators have found new ideas and strategies, and what is more important – a structured way of approaching marketing – while going through Academy courses. 

Can I get a refund if I don't like your courses?

We would love to hear from you if you didn’t like our courses, as knowing your feedback we can improve them!

Unfortunately, once you purchase a course, it means you have access to all assets and videos that took hours to prepare so the courses are non-refundable.

You can cancel your Membership and receive a full refund within the first seven days from purchase, if you have 0 or 1 course completed, no questions asked. If you completed more than 1 course, the value of those courses will be taken off the full amount of your membership cost and the remainder will be refunded! 🙂

Are all the courses suitable for all levels of experience?

They are suitable for all levels of translation or interpreting experience, as they are aimed at teaching you how to use marketing and its tools right here, right now and adapt them to your situation. Depending on your level of marketing experience, you can find some courses easier or good for structuring what you already know (check our Marketing Basics category), and some will be more in-depth and introducing new knowledge (check our Advanced Marketing category). If you follow our Recommended Roadmap you will notice how some courses are interlinked, as our approach is to prepare you to use integrated marketing strategy for your business, rather than standalone ad-hoc tactics.

How do I contact support?

Please check out our Contact us page and send us a message through the contact form, or drop us an email at and we will reply as soon as possible! Our regular office hours are 9am to 5pm London time, but we may be available outside of these hours if your enquiry is urgent. 

How do I cancel my membership?

Simply go to your “Membership Profile” and click “Cancel” next to your membership status. You will keep access to your content until the next billing date (a year since when you first subscribed). 

Do I have direct access to my tutors?

While some videos mention email feedback sessions, they have been adapted from the previous version of the Academy and the way that the courses work in this version is a little different.

You can always send us an email at and we’ll be happy to advise you, provide quick feedback, answer your questions, or recommend the best course of action.

You can also ask questions during Q & A sessions held few times a year and in our group, where we’ll be generally available every day.

If you purchased an annual membership package, depending on your package you may have a certain amount of hours of consultancy included in your membership.

When will the new courses come out?

One of the main reasons why we switched from the monthly membership system was that creating 12 courses in 12 months was an ambitious task! As I (Meg) prefer to create longer courses and really, truly make sure that they are valuable and well-presented before release, the task resulted in many sleepless nights and my calendar of topics and courses I really wanted to give you was beginning to falter. I learned so many things during that period and one of them was that I need more time to prepare the courses I want to create and that my audience wants. 

The new courses will be added few times a year when they are ready and polished! You will always be notified about the release of new course or short training.

In the meantime, we’ll also keep adding NEW products, PDFs, printables, blog posts, guest posts, one-off member- and student-only webinars, and curated courses & content from other providers in the industry (yass!).

Can I request a course or suggest a topic?

Most definitely! 

What inspires us at Language Services Marketing and that we enjoy the most in the Academy is Member feedback. 

We love to create the content you want – so head to the contact page and drop us a message!

We’ll take it into account when creating the next content.

Would you like to become a course instructor? Drop us a message and let’s talk. 😉

start learning and implementing today

Are you ready?